Asset Progression Mastery

Asset Progression Mastery (Trainer: Jasmine Chan) is made up of 6 Modules:

  1. Module 1: Understanding the current Singapore property situation
  2. Module 2: Decoding the Consumer’s Mindset
  3. Module 3: Asset Planning Framework
  4. Module 4: Developing the Investor’s Mindset
  5. Module 5: Practical solutions to today’s problems: Ways of holding property ownerships, Alternative ways to financing properties.
  6. Module 6: Step by step to Asset Progression
Success Cases
Asset Progression Mastery 1
Asset Progression Mastery 2
Asset Progression Mastery 3

Here are testimonials from participants who have benefited in their real estate businesses:

  1. Valery Sim: Clocked more than $100,000 in a single month within 6 months.
  2. May Yew: Looking to revive her business, closed more than 6 digits within 8 months of Asset Progression class.
  3. Roy Low: Achieved $250k and bought a BMW within 1st year in business.
  4. Lenny Tan: Signed 14 exclusives in 1.5 months.
  5. Andy Ho: Semi Retiree, restarted his business, sold multiple New Launches and clocked more than 16 transactions within 6 months of learning.
  6. Jen Lee: New RES, transacted more than 10 transactions a month within 3 months in real estate.
  7. Rekael Das: Mom of 2, achieved her 5 digits per month every single month from the 1st month in business.
Funding Type Full Fee Amount After Company Discount GST Nett Fee Payable (Incl. GST)
ERA Salesperson $2500 $2000 $180 $2180.00
Non-ERA Salesperson $2500 - $225 $2725.00
Consumers / Members of the Public TBC TBC TBC TBC
Additional Information

Training Duration: 24.00 hours (3 days 10am-6pm), Full Time

Course Language: English

Course Content

This course provides real estate professionals with the opportunity to gain valuable skills to grow their clients’ portfolio, leading to the professionalisation of their careers beyond operating on a transactional business model.

Eligible participants will may apply to a complimentary 1-to-1 mentorship session upon completion of the course.

Minimum Entry Requirement:

Basic entry requirement to the real estate industry, learners will have at least:

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